16 May 2011

I feel like its time for an update...

Since moving back to Provo in January, I:
Found the wonderful man I am going to spend the rest of ETERNITY with.
took a road trip with him to visit my family in February
changed my major for the last time {Recreation Therapy here I come, science classes please be nice to me!}
Decided to redouble my efforts in serving those around me and be better at sharing the Gospel.
Went on a four day road trip {with a fabulous stop in San Antonio, TX}
moved back to Walt Disney World, where I get to play with my sister Kaitlynn and soon will be joined by besties Katey and Kelsey.
miss my dear fiance like CRAZY.

Some things I've learned:
Playing is one of the top two most important things for a functional family. That and LOVE.
As soon as you decide you're taking a break from actively searching for a special someone, THE special someone sits next to you on the first day of Comparative Literature.
Not being in the physical presence of the one you love {let alone not being able to hold hands, hug, kiss, and cuddle} is difficult. And by difficult I mean it makes me want to runaway from the happiest place on earth.
Becca Spendlove has a really nice ring to it...

1 comment:

  1. I totally love this post! I met Steve right after I had given up on EVER meeting the right guy :) Life and Love are wonderful!
