31 December 2010

Things I'm stressed about

leaving the stuff i'm not taking
getting everything into my little car
missing the people I don't get to see for months and months (or almost a year)

But everything will work out right? YES!!! There are a few BRIGHT and shiny things that make me know this. (In this case bright more so than shiny)

25 December 2010

Because it's Christmas

I could and should be doing a number of other things right now, but I just couldn't resist sharing a bit of the Christmas spirit with you!
Please take a chance and look at this website. It's full of wonderful messages and will really uplift you! Promise.

Last night, the Smiths came over to do the Christmas thing because they have plans with his family today. After opening presents (we're taking them to Walt Disney World in August!!!) we played this game called "Things" we laughed and laughed and laughed. We laughed so much I still have a headache :) This is how my family celebrates. I love them sooo much! I really didn't need any presents today. But it's nice to snuggle up in my zebra print snuggie!

Merry Christmas, 
Love, Becca

21 December 2010

Adventures in Provo

So I'm moving back to Provo in two weeks which means I'll be using my old blog. I'm really looking forward to the many adventures that are coming. As a result, this blog will be updated less... So read my other blog! Please?

For now, let me tell you about my plans for the future (since that is what this blog is about)
SEVEN Classes (16.5 credits)
  • Beginning Ballet (0.5)
  • New Testament (2.0)
  • Comparative Literature 202  (3.0)
  • Outdoor Skills Leadership (2.0)
  • Leisure in Contemporary Society (3.0)
  • Social Recreation Leadership (3.0)
  • Public & Not-for-Profit Finance (3.0)
15 Hours (max)/Week of Concessions
Disney Campus Rep Stuff
About 15 hours/week outside of sleeping and Sundays of none scheduled activities... (Oh, and finish the online history class I should have already finished...) Yes, I am a little bit crazy.

Internship at WDW (in Hospitality!!!)
Probs taking 3-4 classes online...

Finish Classes for BS in RMYL: Leisure Services Management, Commercial Recreation (Try saying that five times fast.) and minor in Econ.
Work at a Hotel in Provo?

Professional Internship at WDW

2013 - 2020
Work at Walt Disney World.
Take a break and go to Pastry School (in Europe) at some point
Travel a LOT (Starting with Paris in 2013)

This plan is all moot (excepting the degree) if I get married at any point.

14 December 2010

A glimpse at what I think about while baking

Future Babies who are in Heaven (FBH): Mom! MMMOOOMMM! Hey mom!
Me: Yesss?!
FBH: We're kind of bored when can we come down?
Me: Go ask your father.

13 December 2010

What I did today:

I wish I could say "Filing!" or "Copying!" or "random task that didn't need to be done but I was here so I did it!" buuuuttt today consisted of:
  • Facebook stalking
  • reading this blog (Which is HILARIOUS!)
  • muddling around hoping to look busy (I don't think it worked)
I have 7 work days left at this job. It's been wonderful, but has had a negative effect on my productivity/timeliness. Poor Concessions will have to deal with the after effects in 3 weeks...

07 December 2010

"You're more beautiful than Disneyland is Magical"

{A friend's husband said that to her. I just really wanted to share it in hopes that my future husband will say equally adorable things}

Anyways, there's not much going on in my life right now that I feel would interest the world wide web. But I have some pretty wonderful things to look forward to, and a couple of things I'm dreading, so I'm sharing both by location.

 - having all my friends again
 - making new friends
 - taking awesome classes about the Outdoors (which = Adventures!)
 - being neighbors with Kabria!
 - having movie nights with the girls again (specifically Nadin, Genevieve, and Shelby if they'll take me back?)
 - not living with my parents :)
 - being surrounded by people my age (at work, at church, at school, at the grocery store)
 - Temple Baptisms more often
 - Campus Rep position
 - real classes (however...i think i'll only have 2 out of 6 hard classes)
 - driving in the snow
 - REALLY cold

pros (they pretty much speak for themselves)
 - warmth
 - All Disney. All The Time.
 - hospitality
 - playing in the parks with Kaitlynn (and hopefully Katey and Kelsey)
 - there aren't any cons

Not to mention Christmas and a few other little fun adventures planned before I leave (Disneyland, Tron: Legacy....other stuff)