23 February 2010

Oh yeah, I had a birthday...

And it was AWESOME!!! Besides the whole "Oh you're 21? *snicker, snicker*"
I COULD write about it...but I'm not feeling like it, so I'll just post pictures :)

The cutest little girl became my best friend after lunch!
We got blue slushies...

And waited for the parade...

And then this happened...
Pretty good birthday if you ask me...

16 February 2010

Dear World

I don't really have much to report... honestly the only thing that has changed since my last post is how much I love being here. The longer I'm here, the more I love it!

Also, my birthday is going to be SWEET! But I'll tell you about that after Saturday :)

Here are some pictures from my adventures here:



08 February 2010

Sometimes I have the silliest ideas...

Remember when I thought I knew what I wanted to do after my program? That was pretty funny, huh?

Last Wednesday I tried fasting about my future, but I ended up just feeling sick. I think since then I've gotten a better idea of what I should be doing {and by that I mean I went from 0% to 0.000000000178%} I'll give you more information when I have a more definite plan, but I can tell you this, LCB is probably not going to be a part of that plan, or really anywhere in the future.

It's probably best if I keep baking as a hobby. I'm too lazy for the crazy hours pastry people work. And to be completely honest, most of the reason I wanted to go was to make wicked awesome birthday cakes for my future children. I feel like this is a good decision, so don't feel sad for me about it. I'm happy with it. This way, I know for sure there won't ever be a day when I wish I didn't have to bake.

Last week I was kind of upset because while I KNOW I will receive an answer to this prayer {which I have basically been praying about for 2.5 YEARS} it is taking, almost literally, FOREVER! Then I started thinking about all the experiences I've had because of it. I'm 95% convinced that my life is way more about having specific experiences and making friendships than figuring out whatever it is I'm going to be doing for the rest of my life. "It's about the journey, not the destination."

Besides, I would be sooo bored sooo quickly if I knew exactly what I would be doing for the rest of my life. I wouldn't be as happy as I think I would be. Also, I don't think there is any one thing that I should absolutely do for the rest of my life. I think whatever thing {or things} I end up doing, I will be really successful in.

If you give a Pig a Pancake

So I don't know about you...but at BYU I sort of assumed that everyone who isn't LDS likes to drink alcohol. This is a fairly safe assumption. What I didn't realize was HOW much they TALK about it. And cuss. And other stuff, too. But mostly they focus on the drinking. For reals, I know assuming things is not the best idea...but when it comes to the world, you're probably safe. To put it in perspective, think about how much you talk about the gospel in a day. Now times that by a bajillion, and you probably have a low estimate.

But I have a co-worker who goes to UVU so I can at least on occasion whip out the good old LDS terms like "ward" and "FHE".  Hurray!

Besides that, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE being here! This really is the best decision I have ever made! {Minus gospel related things aka getting baptized, doing my family history, etc.} I love my roommates, especially Katey. We've known each other three weeks and I'm convinced we knew each other in the pre-existence.

I've decided that what I want to do for the rest of my life is bake people cookies and listen to their problems {or successes}. No, no, I don't want to counsel them like a psychiatrist or anything. Basically, I want to be a mom. Or a super awesome Visiting Teacher. Hopefully both.