28 September 2010

An update, kind of

I spend A LOT of time with this little man these days. I love EVERY minute of it. Even when he's telling me he hates me and I'm not his aunt anymore. Because I know he'll follow that up with a hug and apology.

A little while ago, I was visited by my favorite Katey before she went off to start her adventures in Hawaii! We went to Hollywood, saw the Chinese Theater, and saw Craig Ferguson live. We went to Disneyland and saw World of Color. Went on a walk at the beach. Went down to San Diego and walked around the Hotel del Coronado. Pretty much it was awesome.

I'm just waiting, waiting, waiting till I hear from the County of San Diego to start working. I haven't worked in almost two months! I'm going crazy!!!

I am officially back in at BYU, I'm pretty sure I know where I'm going to live, I'm figuring out what classes to take. I can't WAIT to play with all my friends again! The snow and ice and classes? not so much...

I miss Florida like CRAZY! All my friends, being able to live in the magic, even the big blue box a little {ok, a lot}. I keep telling myself I can wait till 2012 to have that again... we'll see.

I own a car. It's beautiful. I love it. He doesn't have a name yet.

I've started to realize that what I want for my immediate future is not exactly what I've always wanted for the FUTURE. For right now I want to finish my degree. For right after that I want to live in my own condo and decorate it, all by my self. I want to live in Europe for a while. I want to be successful in a career. Sure I've always wanted an education, and living by myself is sort of an extension of living with my future husband by ourselves. But a career hasn't really been in the top of what I WANT, just what I thought I should work towards until mr wonderful comes along. But I do NOT want to get married. Not until I figure other stuff out.

01 September 2010

I'm a pendulum

OKAY, I know this is my bajillionth time changing my mind and updating my life plan, but if I were someone who could be consistent in their life goals, I would not be me, and this blog would not exist.

So, I've had a bit of time to reconsider things with a level head and realized that throwing away a more than half finished degree was not a good idea. When I hear stories of people leaving school with only a year left I've scoffed at their foolishness, don't they know how close they are? Don't they know how important this is to succeed in a career today? But then, isn't that what I am doing? ... Oops.

Last week I got to spend the better part of a day with my dear friend Josh and his friend. It gave me kind of a jolt because I hadn't had to deal with the sorrow of being away from my friends from Provo and that whole life there. Within an hour I figured out how many more classes I need to graduate {in total? a class shy of 50 credits}, when I would take them, and found a way to get back into BYU {they take you back if you have better than a 2.0 GPA}. I have three semesters and a spring term left. That's all. In less than two years from now I should have a bachelors degree. And the best part? Fiscally possible! It all makes sense in every possible way. Except one. I am just not feeling it. {That is until about 3 hours ago.} Especially since I was planning this big wonderful adventure abroad.

I can't explain to you when/how I accepted this newest plan. I've been feeling rather morose about having to go back and do the whole BYU thing again, but I've been going through the motions since last week trying to make it work. And then, tonight, after watching Eat Pray Love with my family, right before I broke the news to Katey, who helped me plan my France adventure, it just clicked. It feels right. And some how I'll be able to fit in a little adventure in there {I do get a whole summer term off!}. That's important.

Sooo, stay tuned! Because I might be able to get everything I want! Thats all for now though ;)