22 July 2010

Whats on my mind.

So I've been trying really really hard to update about when Kelsey was here. but for some reason I always reach a wall and can't focus anymore. So that is coming! I promise!

But for now:
Here are some of the things swirling around in my brain.
1. At work I started thinking about a trans-Canadian train trip. Especially with a couple of stops in Quebec. I'm still not 100% sure why this is my newest travel interest, but it is. This trip will include a stop in each of the lower provinces {cities: Vancouver, Calgary, Regina, Winnipeg, Toronto, Niagara(?), Montreal, Quebec}. I've found a couple of different ways to go about it: a. guided train tour {with hotel reservations and train trips planned out} b. buying a rail pass for approx. 500 US$ with 7 trips on it for 21 days. Plan b is more preferable, but I'd still have to plan out the rest of the trip, plan a I wouldn't have to plan anything else. {Anybody want to go travel Canada with me for 21 days next april/may?}
2. I'm def flying out to Hawaii to visit Katey. I'm planning on February for a week.
3. I need a job in California. Disneyland...please?
4. I hate school. Why am I doing this thing I don't love to acquire a piece of paper? Money. I hate money. Maybe I will go to pastry school. In France. That way I can live in France and make awesome food. I could open a bakery in the kitchen in the apartment I'm going to share with Kelsey... Or I'd come back and marry the oldest son of the rich family my father works for... oh wait, that's the plot line to Sabrina... not my life.
5. All of these things involve locations... can i get paid to travel the world without having to get a degree first? Travel channel?