26 April 2010

April Showers...

Last night there was an epic thunderstorm raging outside. Like tornado warning epic. I didn't know about the potential tornado's until half way through when my roommates came home because I had the day off and got to sit next to the window and finish The Friday Night Knitting Club while the lightning turned the sky purple.

April was kind of a rough month for me. Lots of drama, lots of issues I had to work out with myself and the Lord. But I've learned a lot. And I'm growing, so in the end it'll all be worth it. April strengthened my resolve to not date until I'm home in August. It also made me explore my options on what I want to do and most importantly the kind of person I want to be while doing it. I kind of lost myself at the end of March/beginning of this month. And in my newest search for "me" I'm making some adjustments and learning things I didn't realize before. Such as:
  • I really REALLY REALLY want to travel. Not in the way I used to, I legitimately am going to make plans to leave the country in the next year. Not just wait for a good opportunity to come up, because it's not going to happen if I do that.
  • I love Disney, the company, a lot. Even when I don't. 
  • I really need to keep in contact with my Provo friends. I'm not moving back. But they {you, in case you are one of my friends from Provo} have been there for me a lot and helped me get through so much that I can't just let those friendships fade away.
  • Keeping up with the Church and staying at the level of spirituality you can attain in Provo is DIFFICULT outside of Utah. But I'm going to try to get there. Because I can. I just need to be an active participant rather than a bystander when it comes to my faithfulness.
April Showers bring May Flowers right? Using that logic, May is going to kick butt. I can feel it!

PS in case you're wondering how planning my life is going...I've decided to give up on planning everything at once. For now, it'll just be in small blocks. Like I have up till August 6th planned out. I'll be here. In Orlando, living it up Walt Disney style. {And you are more than welcome to visit!}. So while I'm here I'm only going to be planning out August -December {ish, depending on what I decide}. Currently, it looks like I'll be moving back home {hmph} to finish my AA and look for the next stage of my life. Probably a four year university. My dad thinks it'll be in California... I'm hoping it's not. So if you know any schools with an awesome Hospitality program that aren't UCF, BYU-HI, or in California let me know! Especially if it's abroad...