leaving the stuff i'm not taking
getting everything into my little car
missing the people I don't get to see for months and months (or almost a year)
But everything will work out right? YES!!! There are a few BRIGHT and shiny things that make me know this. (In this case bright more so than shiny)
31 December 2010
25 December 2010
Because it's Christmas
I could and should be doing a number of other things right now, but I just couldn't resist sharing a bit of the Christmas spirit with you!
Please take a chance and look at this website. It's full of wonderful messages and will really uplift you! Promise.
Last night, the Smiths came over to do the Christmas thing because they have plans with his family today. After opening presents (we're taking them to Walt Disney World in August!!!) we played this game called "Things" we laughed and laughed and laughed. We laughed so much I still have a headache :) This is how my family celebrates. I love them sooo much! I really didn't need any presents today. But it's nice to snuggle up in my zebra print snuggie!
Please take a chance and look at this website. It's full of wonderful messages and will really uplift you! Promise.
Last night, the Smiths came over to do the Christmas thing because they have plans with his family today. After opening presents (we're taking them to Walt Disney World in August!!!) we played this game called "Things" we laughed and laughed and laughed. We laughed so much I still have a headache :) This is how my family celebrates. I love them sooo much! I really didn't need any presents today. But it's nice to snuggle up in my zebra print snuggie!
Merry Christmas,
Love, Becca
21 December 2010
Adventures in Provo
So I'm moving back to Provo in two weeks which means I'll be using my old blog. I'm really looking forward to the many adventures that are coming. As a result, this blog will be updated less... So read my other blog! Please?
For now, let me tell you about my plans for the future (since that is what this blog is about)
Finish Classes for BS in RMYL: Leisure Services Management, Commercial Recreation (Try saying that five times fast.) and minor in Econ.
Work at a Hotel in Provo?
2013 - 2020
Travel a LOT (Starting with Paris in 2013)
This plan is all moot (excepting the degree) if I get married at any point.
For now, let me tell you about my plans for the future (since that is what this blog is about)
SEVEN Classes (16.5 credits)
- Beginning Ballet (0.5)
- New Testament (2.0)
- Comparative Literature 202 (3.0)
- Outdoor Skills Leadership (2.0)
- Leisure in Contemporary Society (3.0)
- Social Recreation Leadership (3.0)
- Public & Not-for-Profit Finance (3.0)
15 Hours (max)/Week of Concessions
Disney Campus Rep Stuff
About 15 hours/week outside of sleeping and Sundays of none scheduled activities... (Oh, and finish the online history class I should have already finished...) Yes, I am a little bit crazy. SUMMER:
Internship at WDW (in Hospitality!!!)
Probs taking 3-4 classes online...
Finish Classes for BS in RMYL: Leisure Services Management, Commercial Recreation (Try saying that five times fast.) and minor in Econ.
Work at a Hotel in Provo?
Professional Internship at WDW
2013 - 2020
Work at Walt Disney World.
Take a break and go to Pastry School (in Europe) at some pointTravel a LOT (Starting with Paris in 2013)
This plan is all moot (excepting the degree) if I get married at any point.
14 December 2010
A glimpse at what I think about while baking
Future Babies who are in Heaven (FBH): Mom! MMMOOOMMM! Hey mom!
Me: Yesss?!
FBH: We're kind of bored when can we come down?
Me: Go ask your father.
Me: Yesss?!
FBH: We're kind of bored when can we come down?
Me: Go ask your father.
13 December 2010
What I did today:
I wish I could say "Filing!" or "Copying!" or "random task that didn't need to be done but I was here so I did it!" buuuuttt today consisted of:
- Facebook stalking
- reading this blog (Which is HILARIOUS!)
- muddling around hoping to look busy (I don't think it worked)
07 December 2010
"You're more beautiful than Disneyland is Magical"
{A friend's husband said that to her. I just really wanted to share it in hopes that my future husband will say equally adorable things}
Anyways, there's not much going on in my life right now that I feel would interest the world wide web. But I have some pretty wonderful things to look forward to, and a couple of things I'm dreading, so I'm sharing both by location.
- having all my friends again
- making new friends
- taking awesome classes about the Outdoors (which = Adventures!)
- being neighbors with Kabria!
- having movie nights with the girls again (specifically Nadin, Genevieve, and Shelby if they'll take me back?)
- not living with my parents :)
- being surrounded by people my age (at work, at church, at school, at the grocery store)
- Temple Baptisms more often
- Campus Rep position
- real classes (however...i think i'll only have 2 out of 6 hard classes)
- driving in the snow
- REALLY cold
pros (they pretty much speak for themselves)
- warmth
- All Disney. All The Time.
- hospitality
- playing in the parks with Kaitlynn (and hopefully Katey and Kelsey)
- there aren't any cons
Not to mention Christmas and a few other little fun adventures planned before I leave (Disneyland, Tron: Legacy....other stuff)
Anyways, there's not much going on in my life right now that I feel would interest the world wide web. But I have some pretty wonderful things to look forward to, and a couple of things I'm dreading, so I'm sharing both by location.
- having all my friends again
- making new friends
- taking awesome classes about the Outdoors (which = Adventures!)
- being neighbors with Kabria!
- having movie nights with the girls again (specifically Nadin, Genevieve, and Shelby if they'll take me back?)
- not living with my parents :)
- being surrounded by people my age (at work, at church, at school, at the grocery store)
- Temple Baptisms more often
- Campus Rep position
- real classes (however...i think i'll only have 2 out of 6 hard classes)
- driving in the snow
- REALLY cold
pros (they pretty much speak for themselves)
- warmth
- All Disney. All The Time.
- hospitality
- playing in the parks with Kaitlynn (and hopefully Katey and Kelsey)
- there aren't any cons
Not to mention Christmas and a few other little fun adventures planned before I leave (Disneyland, Tron: Legacy....other stuff)
17 November 2010
Bucket List
I want to:
- Finish my bachelors degree.
- Be on the Amazing Race
- Speak French fluently
- Live in another country
- Get a diploma in baking/pastry
- Run a half marathon (or several)
- Find and marry a man who will treat me like a Queen (because I fully plan on treating him like a King)
- Get married in the Temple to above listed man
- Have a passel of beautiful babies
- Raise babies in the Gospel
- Own/run a bakery/b&b/pastry shop
- Do family history work as much as possible
- Travel. A lot.
- through Europe:
- France (Paris, Castles, South)
- UK(London, Scotland, Ireland)
- Anywhere my ancestry comes from
- Eastern Europe
- Go on a cruise to the Mediterranian
- Cruise the Carribean
- North America:
- The South
- Canada (Quebec)
- Camping in the Midwest (Yellowstone)
- Visit Hawaii
- Always be physically active
- NEVER criticize myself/body especially infront of my babies
- Attend/Work in the Temple regularly.
- Work for Disney in a more legit role
- Be More Chirst Like
- Make my home a place of love and peace. Like the Temple.
08 November 2010
This month looks good
{a few of the things I'm excited for November}
- Thursday = DISNEYLAND {and also Veterans Day. Hurray for Veterans! Like my brother-in-law Robert. And both of my grandfathers.}
- NEXT Thursday, after our second in every other week Temple baptisms, Kait and I are going to see HARRY POTTER 7 PART 1 at MIDNIGHT. {If you happen to be able to make it to Escondido the night of the 18th we would very much like your company}
- The Thursday after that will be THANKSGIVING!!!! My all time favorite holiday. You are required to see family, eat lots of yummy food and the Christmas season starts. And you don't have to worry about impressive gifts. {It helps that my Thanksgivings are full of palm trees, sunshine, and a teeny bit of cold so you can wear a cute sweater.}
07 November 2010
So I've realized that my blog comes up in google searches for people trying to figure out their lives. {I have proof if you think I'm pulling your leg.} So I've decided that in each post I'm going to try to be inspirational, or rather, use other, more eloquent, people's inspirational words. Most likely what will happen is I'll just post links to other websites, but to start I'd like to share this talk I read this morning.
From the Priesthood Session last month, Patrick Kearon of the Seventy gave a talk about staying on the straight and narrow, and our ability to use the atonement when we stray. I love his examples of how catastrophic even varying slightly off the path can be but he also provides hope when he shares how Jesus Christ is waiting with open arms to heal us from the damage. The title is "Come unto Me with Full Purpose of Heart, and I Shall Heal You”.
Happy Sabbath!
From the Priesthood Session last month, Patrick Kearon of the Seventy gave a talk about staying on the straight and narrow, and our ability to use the atonement when we stray. I love his examples of how catastrophic even varying slightly off the path can be but he also provides hope when he shares how Jesus Christ is waiting with open arms to heal us from the damage. The title is "Come unto Me with Full Purpose of Heart, and I Shall Heal You”.
Happy Sabbath!
04 November 2010
When it rains it pours.
I finally got a paycheck last Thursday! Here are some of the things I've spent it on:
- This BEAUTIFUL soft CoZy sweater from Fossil. It's the dark tan one. I've worn it pretty much every day. Even thought it's been 80 degrees outside. {I want a leather messenger bag from there for school... They're sooo pretty}
- Chocolate chips, and pumpkin puree for pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. YUMMMMY
- And then some of it went to the deposit for another one of these!!! Hospitality this time!!!!!!!!!
- And I'm saving the rest of that paycheck for my deposit for my new apartment in Provo!!! {I'm signing the contract and putting it in the mail sometime between Friday and Tuesday.}
26 October 2010
"We make plans, and God laughs!"
I got that from "Mom" at DisneyQuest. Soooooo true!!!!! So true about my life. Heavenly Father knows whats best for me, and I'll do it but not with out jumping up and down about the shiny new toy that I THINK I'm getting {toy meaning adventure}.
It's an hour after my bed time but I wanted to blog {yes, ten o'clock is my current bed time. me, the college student, weeps at this fact}. This is what working a full time job in an office does to Becca. I remind myself that this is NOT my future, but in fact, the means to get to my future. I just hope I don't use up that means and end up in an office in the next two years again.
Here's my plans until Graduation Day (tentatively April 2012, but maybe more like August 2012):
Back at BYU {Yay!!! but please be a warm winter} take steps to make sure I don't go stir crazy.. or just plain crazy.
I just started training for a half marathon. By just, I mean Monday. But I've got a plan and am sooo excited to have said plan :)
ANOTHER DISNEY PROGRAM :) bahahaha, Kaitlynn, Katey and my favorite boss, Mickey Mouse, will be there. So why not? I'll actually have something to point to and say I'm saving for my apartment for fall/winter. See ya next summer!
It's an hour after my bed time but I wanted to blog {yes, ten o'clock is my current bed time. me, the college student, weeps at this fact}. This is what working a full time job in an office does to Becca. I remind myself that this is NOT my future, but in fact, the means to get to my future. I just hope I don't use up that means and end up in an office in the next two years again.
Here's my plans until Graduation Day (tentatively April 2012, but maybe more like August 2012):
Back at BYU {Yay!!! but please be a warm winter} take steps to make sure I don't go stir crazy.. or just plain crazy.
I just started training for a half marathon. By just, I mean Monday. But I've got a plan and am sooo excited to have said plan :)
ANOTHER DISNEY PROGRAM :) bahahaha, Kaitlynn, Katey and my favorite boss, Mickey Mouse, will be there. So why not? I'll actually have something to point to and say I'm saving for my apartment for fall/winter. See ya next summer!
10 October 2010
This week:
I get to practice being a parent to a teenager.
I start my new job on Tuesday!
I still don't understand boys.
I get to see some Provo friends at the happiest place on earth!
I'm starting a star chart. Like a chart that i put star stickers on to keep track of my progress.
Last week:
I got to see two of my sisters perform in their respective plays.
I bought some jeans.
I watched most of General Conference! I'm still catching up on some of it... I felt like everything was about agency and how to use it. Maybe that's because I keep asking to be told what to do instead of deciding for myself. That IS how indecisive I am.
I realized/remembered that food is really important and if it isn't part of my occupational future I don't think I want that future.
Future plans? Go to BYU. Finish in 2012. Figure out how to go to pastry school from there.
I've had a lot of anxiety about going back to BYU. But the spirit doesn't speak in that way. It uses stupors of thought. I am able fully plan my move back. Which makes me believe that this is right. Also, it is way easier to have the spirit up in Provo, and I think that being in a place where I can be spiritually built up is something I really need to do before I head out into the world. Where I will make pastries, or wedding cakes in my very own shop.
I start my new job on Tuesday!
I still don't understand boys.
I get to see some Provo friends at the happiest place on earth!
I'm starting a star chart. Like a chart that i put star stickers on to keep track of my progress.
Last week:
I got to see two of my sisters perform in their respective plays.
I bought some jeans.
I watched most of General Conference! I'm still catching up on some of it... I felt like everything was about agency and how to use it. Maybe that's because I keep asking to be told what to do instead of deciding for myself. That IS how indecisive I am.
I realized/remembered that food is really important and if it isn't part of my occupational future I don't think I want that future.
Future plans? Go to BYU. Finish in 2012. Figure out how to go to pastry school from there.
I've had a lot of anxiety about going back to BYU. But the spirit doesn't speak in that way. It uses stupors of thought. I am able fully plan my move back. Which makes me believe that this is right. Also, it is way easier to have the spirit up in Provo, and I think that being in a place where I can be spiritually built up is something I really need to do before I head out into the world. Where I will make pastries, or wedding cakes in my very own shop.
28 September 2010
An update, kind of
I spend A LOT of time with this little man these days. I love EVERY minute of it. Even when he's telling me he hates me and I'm not his aunt anymore. Because I know he'll follow that up with a hug and apology.
A little while ago, I was visited by my favorite Katey before she went off to start her adventures in Hawaii! We went to Hollywood, saw the Chinese Theater, and saw Craig Ferguson live. We went to Disneyland and saw World of Color. Went on a walk at the beach. Went down to San Diego and walked around the Hotel del Coronado. Pretty much it was awesome.
I'm just waiting, waiting, waiting till I hear from the County of San Diego to start working. I haven't worked in almost two months! I'm going crazy!!!
I am officially back in at BYU, I'm pretty sure I know where I'm going to live, I'm figuring out what classes to take. I can't WAIT to play with all my friends again! The snow and ice and classes? not so much...
I miss Florida like CRAZY! All my friends, being able to live in the magic, even the big blue box a little {ok, a lot}. I keep telling myself I can wait till 2012 to have that again... we'll see.
I own a car. It's beautiful. I love it. He doesn't have a name yet.
I've started to realize that what I want for my immediate future is not exactly what I've always wanted for the FUTURE. For right now I want to finish my degree. For right after that I want to live in my own condo and decorate it, all by my self. I want to live in Europe for a while. I want to be successful in a career. Sure I've always wanted an education, and living by myself is sort of an extension of living with my future husband by ourselves. But a career hasn't really been in the top of what I WANT, just what I thought I should work towards until mr wonderful comes along. But I do NOT want to get married. Not until I figure other stuff out.
A little while ago, I was visited by my favorite Katey before she went off to start her adventures in Hawaii! We went to Hollywood, saw the Chinese Theater, and saw Craig Ferguson live. We went to Disneyland and saw World of Color. Went on a walk at the beach. Went down to San Diego and walked around the Hotel del Coronado. Pretty much it was awesome.
I'm just waiting, waiting, waiting till I hear from the County of San Diego to start working. I haven't worked in almost two months! I'm going crazy!!!
I am officially back in at BYU, I'm pretty sure I know where I'm going to live, I'm figuring out what classes to take. I can't WAIT to play with all my friends again! The snow and ice and classes? not so much...
I miss Florida like CRAZY! All my friends, being able to live in the magic, even the big blue box a little {ok, a lot}. I keep telling myself I can wait till 2012 to have that again... we'll see.
I own a car. It's beautiful. I love it. He doesn't have a name yet.
I've started to realize that what I want for my immediate future is not exactly what I've always wanted for the FUTURE. For right now I want to finish my degree. For right after that I want to live in my own condo and decorate it, all by my self. I want to live in Europe for a while. I want to be successful in a career. Sure I've always wanted an education, and living by myself is sort of an extension of living with my future husband by ourselves. But a career hasn't really been in the top of what I WANT, just what I thought I should work towards until mr wonderful comes along. But I do NOT want to get married. Not until I figure other stuff out.
01 September 2010
I'm a pendulum
OKAY, I know this is my bajillionth time changing my mind and updating my life plan, but if I were someone who could be consistent in their life goals, I would not be me, and this blog would not exist.
So, I've had a bit of time to reconsider things with a level head and realized that throwing away a more than half finished degree was not a good idea. When I hear stories of people leaving school with only a year left I've scoffed at their foolishness, don't they know how close they are? Don't they know how important this is to succeed in a career today? But then, isn't that what I am doing? ... Oops.
Last week I got to spend the better part of a day with my dear friend Josh and his friend. It gave me kind of a jolt because I hadn't had to deal with the sorrow of being away from my friends from Provo and that whole life there. Within an hour I figured out how many more classes I need to graduate {in total? a class shy of 50 credits}, when I would take them, and found a way to get back into BYU {they take you back if you have better than a 2.0 GPA}. I have three semesters and a spring term left. That's all. In less than two years from now I should have a bachelors degree. And the best part? Fiscally possible! It all makes sense in every possible way. Except one. I am just not feeling it. {That is until about 3 hours ago.} Especially since I was planning this big wonderful adventure abroad.
I can't explain to you when/how I accepted this newest plan. I've been feeling rather morose about having to go back and do the whole BYU thing again, but I've been going through the motions since last week trying to make it work. And then, tonight, after watching Eat Pray Love with my family, right before I broke the news to Katey, who helped me plan my France adventure, it just clicked. It feels right. And some how I'll be able to fit in a little adventure in there {I do get a whole summer term off!}. That's important.
Sooo, stay tuned! Because I might be able to get everything I want! Thats all for now though ;)
So, I've had a bit of time to reconsider things with a level head and realized that throwing away a more than half finished degree was not a good idea. When I hear stories of people leaving school with only a year left I've scoffed at their foolishness, don't they know how close they are? Don't they know how important this is to succeed in a career today? But then, isn't that what I am doing? ... Oops.
Last week I got to spend the better part of a day with my dear friend Josh and his friend. It gave me kind of a jolt because I hadn't had to deal with the sorrow of being away from my friends from Provo and that whole life there. Within an hour I figured out how many more classes I need to graduate {in total? a class shy of 50 credits}, when I would take them, and found a way to get back into BYU {they take you back if you have better than a 2.0 GPA}. I have three semesters and a spring term left. That's all. In less than two years from now I should have a bachelors degree. And the best part? Fiscally possible! It all makes sense in every possible way. Except one. I am just not feeling it. {That is until about 3 hours ago.} Especially since I was planning this big wonderful adventure abroad.
I can't explain to you when/how I accepted this newest plan. I've been feeling rather morose about having to go back and do the whole BYU thing again, but I've been going through the motions since last week trying to make it work. And then, tonight, after watching Eat Pray Love with my family, right before I broke the news to Katey, who helped me plan my France adventure, it just clicked. It feels right. And some how I'll be able to fit in a little adventure in there {I do get a whole summer term off!}. That's important.
Sooo, stay tuned! Because I might be able to get everything I want! Thats all for now though ;)
02 August 2010
Familial Gatherings to Walt Disney World, Part 1
A little while ago, one of my most favorite people in the world came to visit me!!!!!! My dear cousin Kelsey came to Florida!
She flew in on a Wednesday night. We stayed at the All Star Movies Resort and got the Disney dining plan. There was sooo much goood food and fun conversations.
She flew in on a Wednesday night. We stayed at the All Star Movies Resort and got the Disney dining plan. There was sooo much goood food and fun conversations.
Wednesday night I ate the BEST meatball sub I have ever had in my life! While I waited for Ms Kelsey to arrive on the Magical Express from the airport. We chatted and it was FABULOUS!
Thursday we slept late, played at the pool, then went over to Animal Kingdom Lodge, looked at the animals and ate at Sanaa. It was really yummy with indian/african foods. Then, Kelsey had to call in for The Everything Film Show {she's part of a film blog... isn't that AWESOME? how cool is this girl?} and we watched Whip It. Which is a really fun movie, about doing what you love... why wouldn't I love it?
Friday: HARRY POTTER DAY!!! We went to Islands of Adventure with my {non}roommate Ica. Her fabulous roommate gave us a ride. Then we waited for SEVEN HOURS to get into that part of the park. Spending that much time in a theme park without actually going on a ride or playing gives you A LOT of time to analyze the way the park is run. And basically, if I am going to spend eighty dollars on a theme park, I'm going to spend it at Disney, not Universal.
That being said... HARRY POTTER IS AWESOME! If you get the chance, go there.
Saturday was another quiet day. We went to see Toy Story 3 {sooo good!} and ate at Earl of Sandwich. We couldn't decide what to do about dinner and we eventually ended up at Trails End which was a bar be cue buffet and alright, but definitely not worth however much it normally costs.
Sunday: All four parks: one day! We were EXHAUSTED by the time we got to Magic Kingdom that evening. We ate at 50's primetime in Hollywood Studio's {meh} and Crystal Palace in Magic Kingdom {Yay Winnie the Pooh! But disney needs to get better at buffets...}. It was sooo much fun! The fun that was had is indescribable! I wish we had had more time in the worlds showcase. But we did sooo much! And it was so fun to do all the things I love with my dear Kelsey!
Monday, we ate at the Grand Floridian {my favorite!} at the Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious breakfast with Mary Poppins, The Mad Hatter, Alice, Pooh and Tigger again. This buffet was MUCH better than the others. But probably because it was breakfast. Then we had to get back to All Star and get Kelsey on a bus :( No worries! We'll play lots when I'm back in California!
22 July 2010
Whats on my mind.
So I've been trying really really hard to update about when Kelsey was here. but for some reason I always reach a wall and can't focus anymore. So that is coming! I promise!
But for now:
Here are some of the things swirling around in my brain.
1. At work I started thinking about a trans-Canadian train trip. Especially with a couple of stops in Quebec. I'm still not 100% sure why this is my newest travel interest, but it is. This trip will include a stop in each of the lower provinces {cities: Vancouver, Calgary, Regina, Winnipeg, Toronto, Niagara(?), Montreal, Quebec}. I've found a couple of different ways to go about it: a. guided train tour {with hotel reservations and train trips planned out} b. buying a rail pass for approx. 500 US$ with 7 trips on it for 21 days. Plan b is more preferable, but I'd still have to plan out the rest of the trip, plan a I wouldn't have to plan anything else. {Anybody want to go travel Canada with me for 21 days next april/may?}
2. I'm def flying out to Hawaii to visit Katey. I'm planning on February for a week.
3. I need a job in California. Disneyland...please?
4. I hate school. Why am I doing this thing I don't love to acquire a piece of paper? Money. I hate money. Maybe I will go to pastry school. In France. That way I can live in France and make awesome food. I could open a bakery in the kitchen in the apartment I'm going to share with Kelsey... Or I'd come back and marry the oldest son of the rich family my father works for... oh wait, that's the plot line to Sabrina... not my life.
5. All of these things involve locations... can i get paid to travel the world without having to get a degree first? Travel channel?
But for now:
Here are some of the things swirling around in my brain.
1. At work I started thinking about a trans-Canadian train trip. Especially with a couple of stops in Quebec. I'm still not 100% sure why this is my newest travel interest, but it is. This trip will include a stop in each of the lower provinces {cities: Vancouver, Calgary, Regina, Winnipeg, Toronto, Niagara(?), Montreal, Quebec}. I've found a couple of different ways to go about it: a. guided train tour {with hotel reservations and train trips planned out} b. buying a rail pass for approx. 500 US$ with 7 trips on it for 21 days. Plan b is more preferable, but I'd still have to plan out the rest of the trip, plan a I wouldn't have to plan anything else. {Anybody want to go travel Canada with me for 21 days next april/may?}
2. I'm def flying out to Hawaii to visit Katey. I'm planning on February for a week.
3. I need a job in California. Disneyland...please?
4. I hate school. Why am I doing this thing I don't love to acquire a piece of paper? Money. I hate money. Maybe I will go to pastry school. In France. That way I can live in France and make awesome food. I could open a bakery in the kitchen in the apartment I'm going to share with Kelsey... Or I'd come back and marry the oldest son of the rich family my father works for... oh wait, that's the plot line to Sabrina... not my life.
5. All of these things involve locations... can i get paid to travel the world without having to get a degree first? Travel channel?
08 June 2010
No Gloom in June!!!
I feel like you might understand that more if you knew more about May.
May was definitely a gray month for me. It had its ups, but by the end of it, things definitely felt more down than up. Not necessarily because of outside forces, but I think my insides were less than thrilled for life. Especially being soo far away from family with Grandma being sick, and missing Lucas' fourth birthday. Soooo... that was May. It was gray.
You might better understand the "gray" and "gloom" if you knew about the San Diego weather phenomenons called "May Gray" and "June Gloom"... basically the name says it all.
So back to June...
It's been phenomenal so far! My roommate Ica arrived on the first! Ok, she's not my roommate anymore... but we still have fun like she is. I didn't see her till the fifth, but we made plans and were texting all before then, so it felt like I had seen her. We made plans to play at Magic Kingdom before I had to work. Ica wore a red shirt... which wouldn't normally be remarkable, but it was Gay Days so anyone who fits into that category or supports that category was also wearing a red shirt. There were a lot of red shirts. We started in Adventure Land and worked our way around to Fantasy Land. Then we got hungry and headed to the Columbia Harbour House for house, which is a pretty good option for Quick Service {they offered more than just the regular burgers and chicken nuggets}. After lunch we jumped in line for the Haunted Mansion where we found my good friend Jarrett Randelle Jones. We spent the rest of the afternoon with Jarrett and his friends who were all celebrating Gay Days, so Ica fit right in, though I stuck out and made us all look like Christmas with my green shirt.
The day was really magical, and I'm soooo grateful to have Ica here in Orlando!
Sunday I went to Church! {YaY} And when I got home my Cousin Kelsey called me with exciting news!!! She's coming to see me on the 16th! I set up a reservation for us at the All-Star Movies Resort and signed up for the Disney Dining Plan! We will spend one day at Disney and then one day at Universal. The rest of the time we're going to fill with pool time and really good food :) {You can read all about it in about two weeks. But you should know I'm filling my free time from now until next Wednesday evening planning where we're going, what we're doing and what we'll be eating.}
Monday was unremarkable... just work at DisneyQuest. After work I was feeling a little sick of testosterone {especially after the car ride home consisted of talk about professional fighting} so I found the most go to girl movie, the Notebook, and watched it. I felt much better after.
Today! I didn't really do much earlier on. I had to run an errand in the afternoon and when I went outside I realized I had wasted a BEAUTIFUL day. But the day was not over! One of my fellow cast members took my shift for today so I could go enjoy the peace and beauty the temple brings to my soul. It was MUCH needed. There was some kind of mix up, so the temple didn't know we were coming, but they still let us do baptisms anyways! We had to wait almost 2 hours, but it didn't feel like that long because Ica and I wandered around the temple grounds contemplating life, and talking about marriage. Funny how that was our main topic for the evening... But that is what the temple is there for. Eternal families. On the drive home we both realized we were hungry. And it took us all of two seconds to decide where to eat. Which may not sound like a huge achievement to you...but to us... THAT'S HUGE! We do not make decisions easily.
01 May 2010
Last night, I decided to use my night off to look up different schools that I want to go to after I get an associates. I started with Cal Poly Pomona. I didn't get any further. I didn't want to look any further. It felt right. I think that's my new goal. Get to Pomona.
Then I got a text from my sister. My grandma had another stroke. I don't think its a coincidence I decided to move back to California right before I got that news. From what I know right now, she's in the hospital for the next few days. But I think everyone expects a positive recovery. I thought I would feel more alone being all the way out here. but I don't. Not because I have a huge support system out here, but because I know Heavenly Father has a plan and I know, no matter what, I'm going to be with my grandma for the rest of eternity. Everything is going to work out. And now I'm just bidding my time waiting for the next text or phone call to give me an update. These are the times I'm especially grateful to have the plan of happiness in my life.
26 April 2010
April Showers...
Last night there was an epic thunderstorm raging outside. Like tornado warning epic. I didn't know about the potential tornado's until half way through when my roommates came home because I had the day off and got to sit next to the window and finish The Friday Night Knitting Club while the lightning turned the sky purple.
April was kind of a rough month for me. Lots of drama, lots of issues I had to work out with myself and the Lord. But I've learned a lot. And I'm growing, so in the end it'll all be worth it. April strengthened my resolve to not date until I'm home in August. It also made me explore my options on what I want to do and most importantly the kind of person I want to be while doing it. I kind of lost myself at the end of March/beginning of this month. And in my newest search for "me" I'm making some adjustments and learning things I didn't realize before. Such as:
PS in case you're wondering how planning my life is going...I've decided to give up on planning everything at once. For now, it'll just be in small blocks. Like I have up till August 6th planned out. I'll be here. In Orlando, living it up Walt Disney style. {And you are more than welcome to visit!}. So while I'm here I'm only going to be planning out August -December {ish, depending on what I decide}. Currently, it looks like I'll be moving back home {hmph} to finish my AA and look for the next stage of my life. Probably a four year university. My dad thinks it'll be in California... I'm hoping it's not. So if you know any schools with an awesome Hospitality program that aren't UCF, BYU-HI, or in California let me know! Especially if it's abroad...
April was kind of a rough month for me. Lots of drama, lots of issues I had to work out with myself and the Lord. But I've learned a lot. And I'm growing, so in the end it'll all be worth it. April strengthened my resolve to not date until I'm home in August. It also made me explore my options on what I want to do and most importantly the kind of person I want to be while doing it. I kind of lost myself at the end of March/beginning of this month. And in my newest search for "me" I'm making some adjustments and learning things I didn't realize before. Such as:
- I really REALLY REALLY want to travel. Not in the way I used to, I legitimately am going to make plans to leave the country in the next year. Not just wait for a good opportunity to come up, because it's not going to happen if I do that.
- I love Disney, the company, a lot. Even when I don't.
- I really need to keep in contact with my Provo friends. I'm not moving back. But they {you, in case you are one of my friends from Provo} have been there for me a lot and helped me get through so much that I can't just let those friendships fade away.
- Keeping up with the Church and staying at the level of spirituality you can attain in Provo is DIFFICULT outside of Utah. But I'm going to try to get there. Because I can. I just need to be an active participant rather than a bystander when it comes to my faithfulness.
PS in case you're wondering how planning my life is going...I've decided to give up on planning everything at once. For now, it'll just be in small blocks. Like I have up till August 6th planned out. I'll be here. In Orlando, living it up Walt Disney style. {And you are more than welcome to visit!}. So while I'm here I'm only going to be planning out August -December {ish, depending on what I decide}. Currently, it looks like I'll be moving back home {hmph} to finish my AA and look for the next stage of my life. Probably a four year university. My dad thinks it'll be in California... I'm hoping it's not. So if you know any schools with an awesome Hospitality program that aren't UCF, BYU-HI, or in California let me know! Especially if it's abroad...
23 March 2010
Oh! Hey...
Sometimes I forget I have a blog... But I remembered tonight, and even though I should get to sleep so I can get enough for the shift I picked up in MK tomorrow, I thought I would update while I was remembering.
In case you were wondering...I have been officially single again for about a no more moroccan. C'est la vie!
I've been pretty busy with work and playing with the roommies. Saturday we went to Typhoon Lagoon for the first time and it was AWESOME!!!
I think everyone has started to realize that we are barely breaking even, because most everyone is picking up shifts left and right. Like I mentioned, I picked up a couple of hours tomorrow doing parade control at MK tomorrow and then wednesday I'll be at epcot on turnstiles! Woo hoo! AND I'm scheduled about 45 hours next week {YAY spring break}. Maybe I will be able to afford the Dooney & Burke purse I've been drooling over since I got here...
In case you were wondering...I have been officially single again for about a no more moroccan. C'est la vie!
I've been pretty busy with work and playing with the roommies. Saturday we went to Typhoon Lagoon for the first time and it was AWESOME!!!
I think everyone has started to realize that we are barely breaking even, because most everyone is picking up shifts left and right. Like I mentioned, I picked up a couple of hours tomorrow doing parade control at MK tomorrow and then wednesday I'll be at epcot on turnstiles! Woo hoo! AND I'm scheduled about 45 hours next week {YAY spring break}. Maybe I will be able to afford the Dooney & Burke purse I've been drooling over since I got here...
10 March 2010
Sooo... much to blog about.
Two weekends ago I had my first "I'm for reals 21" moment when I {don't judge me} went to the House of Blues and got in FREE because I was 21 {not that I went before, but it was still a milestone for me...}. Alcohol was not consumed by me. But I did have the privilege of driving home three drunk girls {none of them were my roommates}.
The Monday after, I tried to go for a run... and I died about half a mile in {not good when you run a 5K in five days}.
Then this last weekend was AWESOME!!!
Friday, after getting our running stuff for my 5K and Katey's Half-Marathon, I went and saw La Nouba at Downtown Disney because Disney Quest gave me two free tickets! Ayoub was late, but showed up, so better late then never right? We ate ice cream and then I felt like I needed to go home to be with Katey {plus getting to sleep on time}.
Saturday, I ran a 5K!!!! For reals! OK, the last mile I walked as much as I ran, but I came in under 40 mins!!! Pretty good for not running in the past 2.5 weeks. And for not running on a regular basis before the end of January. For me, this was a big deal! Katey's dad took us to wally-world in the afternoon then i napped. When I awoke, I met Katey's mom {we're really good friends now!}, then Haley and I decided to go to see Alice in Wonderland {which was wonderful!!! I think I'll blog about it later though, for those of you who haven't seen it}
Sunday, Katey ran a Half-Marathon!!! Go Katey!!!
Haley and I went to a few of the spectator viewing spots to cheer our favorite runner along! It was sooooo fun! {I'm pretty sure I'm going to try to train for a half marathon in October. That way if I'm in Florida I can do the food and wine festival at Epcot.} After, we all went back home for a nap. Then Katey, her parents and I traipsed around Hollywood Studio's and ended the night with Fantasmic!!!
Monday, I tagged along to Magic Kingdom with Katey and her parents. I finally ate some turkey leg, yum! Then I went to work and was there while other cps participated in Cast Quest {not really my thing} but it was fun because we basically stood around and did nothing.
My life is AWESOME!!!!!!
Two weekends ago I had my first "I'm for reals 21" moment when I {don't judge me} went to the House of Blues and got in FREE because I was 21 {not that I went before, but it was still a milestone for me...}. Alcohol was not consumed by me. But I did have the privilege of driving home three drunk girls {none of them were my roommates}.
The Monday after, I tried to go for a run... and I died about half a mile in {not good when you run a 5K in five days}.
Then this last weekend was AWESOME!!!
Saturday, I ran a 5K!!!! For reals! OK, the last mile I walked as much as I ran, but I came in under 40 mins!!! Pretty good for not running in the past 2.5 weeks. And for not running on a regular basis before the end of January. For me, this was a big deal! Katey's dad took us to wally-world in the afternoon then i napped. When I awoke, I met Katey's mom {we're really good friends now!}, then Haley and I decided to go to see Alice in Wonderland {which was wonderful!!! I think I'll blog about it later though, for those of you who haven't seen it}
Sunday, Katey ran a Half-Marathon!!! Go Katey!!!
Monday, I tagged along to Magic Kingdom with Katey and her parents. I finally ate some turkey leg, yum! Then I went to work and was there while other cps participated in Cast Quest {not really my thing} but it was fun because we basically stood around and did nothing.
My life is AWESOME!!!!!!
23 February 2010
Oh yeah, I had a birthday...
And it was AWESOME!!! Besides the whole "Oh you're 21? *snicker, snicker*"
I COULD write about it...but I'm not feeling like it, so I'll just post pictures :)
The cutest little girl became my best friend after lunch!
We got blue slushies...
And waited for the parade...
And then this happened...
Pretty good birthday if you ask me...
16 February 2010
Dear World
I don't really have much to report... honestly the only thing that has changed since my last post is how much I love being here. The longer I'm here, the more I love it!
Also, my birthday is going to be SWEET! But I'll tell you about that after Saturday :)
Here are some pictures from my adventures here:
Also, my birthday is going to be SWEET! But I'll tell you about that after Saturday :)
Here are some pictures from my adventures here:
08 February 2010
Sometimes I have the silliest ideas...
Remember when I thought I knew what I wanted to do after my program? That was pretty funny, huh?
Last Wednesday I tried fasting about my future, but I ended up just feeling sick. I think since then I've gotten a better idea of what I should be doing {and by that I mean I went from 0% to 0.000000000178%} I'll give you more information when I have a more definite plan, but I can tell you this, LCB is probably not going to be a part of that plan, or really anywhere in the future.
It's probably best if I keep baking as a hobby. I'm too lazy for the crazy hours pastry people work. And to be completely honest, most of the reason I wanted to go was to make wicked awesome birthday cakes for my future children. I feel like this is a good decision, so don't feel sad for me about it. I'm happy with it. This way, I know for sure there won't ever be a day when I wish I didn't have to bake.
Last week I was kind of upset because while I KNOW I will receive an answer to this prayer {which I have basically been praying about for 2.5 YEARS} it is taking, almost literally, FOREVER! Then I started thinking about all the experiences I've had because of it. I'm 95% convinced that my life is way more about having specific experiences and making friendships than figuring out whatever it is I'm going to be doing for the rest of my life. "It's about the journey, not the destination."
Besides, I would be sooo bored sooo quickly if I knew exactly what I would be doing for the rest of my life. I wouldn't be as happy as I think I would be. Also, I don't think there is any one thing that I should absolutely do for the rest of my life. I think whatever thing {or things} I end up doing, I will be really successful in.
Last Wednesday I tried fasting about my future, but I ended up just feeling sick. I think since then I've gotten a better idea of what I should be doing {and by that I mean I went from 0% to 0.000000000178%} I'll give you more information when I have a more definite plan, but I can tell you this, LCB is probably not going to be a part of that plan, or really anywhere in the future.
It's probably best if I keep baking as a hobby. I'm too lazy for the crazy hours pastry people work. And to be completely honest, most of the reason I wanted to go was to make wicked awesome birthday cakes for my future children. I feel like this is a good decision, so don't feel sad for me about it. I'm happy with it. This way, I know for sure there won't ever be a day when I wish I didn't have to bake.
Last week I was kind of upset because while I KNOW I will receive an answer to this prayer {which I have basically been praying about for 2.5 YEARS} it is taking, almost literally, FOREVER! Then I started thinking about all the experiences I've had because of it. I'm 95% convinced that my life is way more about having specific experiences and making friendships than figuring out whatever it is I'm going to be doing for the rest of my life. "It's about the journey, not the destination."
Besides, I would be sooo bored sooo quickly if I knew exactly what I would be doing for the rest of my life. I wouldn't be as happy as I think I would be. Also, I don't think there is any one thing that I should absolutely do for the rest of my life. I think whatever thing {or things} I end up doing, I will be really successful in.
If you give a Pig a Pancake
So I don't know about you...but at BYU I sort of assumed that everyone who isn't LDS likes to drink alcohol. This is a fairly safe assumption. What I didn't realize was HOW much they TALK about it. And cuss. And other stuff, too. But mostly they focus on the drinking. For reals, I know assuming things is not the best idea...but when it comes to the world, you're probably safe. To put it in perspective, think about how much you talk about the gospel in a day. Now times that by a bajillion, and you probably have a low estimate.
But I have a co-worker who goes to UVU so I can at least on occasion whip out the good old LDS terms like "ward" and "FHE". Hurray!
Besides that, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE being here! This really is the best decision I have ever made! {Minus gospel related things aka getting baptized, doing my family history, etc.} I love my roommates, especially Katey. We've known each other three weeks and I'm convinced we knew each other in the pre-existence.
I've decided that what I want to do for the rest of my life is bake people cookies and listen to their problems {or successes}. No, no, I don't want to counsel them like a psychiatrist or anything. Basically, I want to be a mom. Or a super awesome Visiting Teacher. Hopefully both.
But I have a co-worker who goes to UVU so I can at least on occasion whip out the good old LDS terms like "ward" and "FHE". Hurray!
Besides that, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE being here! This really is the best decision I have ever made! {Minus gospel related things aka getting baptized, doing my family history, etc.} I love my roommates, especially Katey. We've known each other three weeks and I'm convinced we knew each other in the pre-existence.
I've decided that what I want to do for the rest of my life is bake people cookies and listen to their problems {or successes}. No, no, I don't want to counsel them like a psychiatrist or anything. Basically, I want to be a mom. Or a super awesome Visiting Teacher. Hopefully both.
30 January 2010
Best Day Everrrr... {Sponge Bob Square Pants}
I have had that song stuck in my head pretty much since Friday morning. MY LIFE ROCKS!!!
And it just keeps getting better and better!
Friday, my roommates, Katey and Annie, and I went to Hollywood Studios. It was a blast!!! Then we caught a showing of "When In Rome". Way cute!
Today, I bought eggs! Which, no joke, I have been talking about buying eggs since probably monday... Oh man, I need to bake something! I also bought a box of baking stuff {cookie sheet, cake pan, smaller cake pans and muffin tin}. This is my version of slowly acquiring the things I need to bake {I went in thinking I would only buy a cookie sheet}.
Katey and I saw "The Princess and the Frog"!!! LOVE IT! I'm basically the white version of Tiana... Then we played around in Magic Kingdom until it closed. FYI, Pirates of the Caribbean smells the same in California and in Florida. No joke. I love it! Reminds me of home :)
Coming to Florida is the BEST decision I've made in a long time.
And it just keeps getting better and better!
Friday, my roommates, Katey and Annie, and I went to Hollywood Studios. It was a blast!!! Then we caught a showing of "When In Rome". Way cute!
Today, I bought eggs! Which, no joke, I have been talking about buying eggs since probably monday... Oh man, I need to bake something! I also bought a box of baking stuff {cookie sheet, cake pan, smaller cake pans and muffin tin}. This is my version of slowly acquiring the things I need to bake {I went in thinking I would only buy a cookie sheet}.
Katey and I saw "The Princess and the Frog"!!! LOVE IT! I'm basically the white version of Tiana... Then we played around in Magic Kingdom until it closed. FYI, Pirates of the Caribbean smells the same in California and in Florida. No joke. I love it! Reminds me of home :)
Coming to Florida is the BEST decision I've made in a long time.
25 January 2010
My day...
So I went to work and spent the 5 of the 8 hours going on rides and playing. The three hours of training I had were CAKE!
Then {after work}:
I walked past Canada and through England, I tried on belly dancing stuff in Morocco, and I ate a tartine in France.
Then {after work}:
I walked past Canada and through England, I tried on belly dancing stuff in Morocco, and I ate a tartine in France.
24 January 2010
I'm here! I'm here! I'm here! I can't believe it! Finally!!!
I guess not having enough energy to actually write about everything is a good thing...
My roommates are super cute and fun :)
I haven't been to the parks yet because my mom was here and we did other stuff. She bought me SOOO much stuff and I am eternally grateful!
I'm working attractions at Disney Quest in Downtown Disney. Virtual reality games galore!
I guess not having enough energy to actually write about everything is a good thing...
My roommates are super cute and fun :)
I haven't been to the parks yet because my mom was here and we did other stuff. She bought me SOOO much stuff and I am eternally grateful!
I'm working attractions at Disney Quest in Downtown Disney. Virtual reality games galore!
18 January 2010
If you give a moose a muffin
You'd think with the way my life has gone, and the experiences I've had, that I would know better than to judge someone or let my petty feelings get in the way. BUT... unfortunately, I haven't.
This evening I got a ton of "I'm a jerk" pie squished in my face {figuratively}. I found out {through internet stalking...} that someone I had judged a little to harshly is in a situation that definitely warrants less judging and more love/friendship. I'm not saying I didn't have a reason, and it's not like this person came to me begging for friendship, it's just my reason wasn't very good. [But really, as a good Christian, is there any reason to not offer the other {friendship} cheek.] I just wish I could have taken a better approach to this person. I'm really sorry I didn't. I wish I knew how to make up for my short comings in this case.
I think the moral of this story is: Everybody's lives suck, so instead of making it suck more, we should make it suck less and offer friendship and love to those we may not fully want to, chances are, they're the ones who need it the most. I'm definitely going to try harder at this as I {literally} move on with my life.
{PS If parts of this don't make sense...well they're not really meant to.}
This evening I got a ton of "I'm a jerk" pie squished in my face {figuratively}. I found out {through internet stalking...} that someone I had judged a little to harshly is in a situation that definitely warrants less judging and more love/friendship. I'm not saying I didn't have a reason, and it's not like this person came to me begging for friendship, it's just my reason wasn't very good. [But really, as a good Christian, is there any reason to not offer the other {friendship} cheek.] I just wish I could have taken a better approach to this person. I'm really sorry I didn't. I wish I knew how to make up for my short comings in this case.
I think the moral of this story is: Everybody's lives suck, so instead of making it suck more, we should make it suck less and offer friendship and love to those we may not fully want to, chances are, they're the ones who need it the most. I'm definitely going to try harder at this as I {literally} move on with my life.
{PS If parts of this don't make sense...well they're not really meant to.}
Planning, Packing, and Pasadena{ing}
Planning: So, I need to stop watching WEtv. A couple nights ago, I had a dream about getting married {yuck}, it was strange, and I positively hated the brides maids outfits. And I married this guy? {I watched the mentalist before I went to bed, ps psych is way better}. I'm also looking at wedding reception locations in San Diego? I feel like I'm 12 again, not almost 21 {oh man!}
Packing: My room is a gigantic mess. When is my room not a gigantic mess the 72 hours before a move? I have most of my clothes packed but nothing else really... good thing I won't need to worry about school supplies. And my generous mother is buying me bedding, etc once we get to Florida {did I tell you she's coming to help me move in? my mom is the best!}
Pasadena{ing}: I have officially decided I am going to Le Cordon Bleu in Pasadena for pastry. My parents, Em, and I took a tour on Friday. The feelings I got on my visit were equivalent to my emotions when I realized that I got accepted to BYU. {Ya, that strong, I was "glowing"} I love when Heavenly Father lets you know your decisions and the things you've been praying forever about are what you should be doing!
But don't worry, this does not cement my future in any way, shape or form. I still have to figure out these things:
1. When do I start? Where do I live? How much debt will I be in?
2. Externship?
3. How do I get a bachelors?
4. After, where do I work? Where do I live?
5. Marriage? Babies? etc, etc
...well that last one I have less control over considering that involves someone else's agency.
Well, at the very least I've got the next 1.5 - 2 years sort of figured out. Definitely the next 8 months!!!
Packing: My room is a gigantic mess. When is my room not a gigantic mess the 72 hours before a move? I have most of my clothes packed but nothing else really... good thing I won't need to worry about school supplies. And my generous mother is buying me bedding, etc once we get to Florida {did I tell you she's coming to help me move in? my mom is the best!}
Pasadena{ing}: I have officially decided I am going to Le Cordon Bleu in Pasadena for pastry. My parents, Em, and I took a tour on Friday. The feelings I got on my visit were equivalent to my emotions when I realized that I got accepted to BYU. {Ya, that strong, I was "glowing"} I love when Heavenly Father lets you know your decisions and the things you've been praying forever about are what you should be doing!
But don't worry, this does not cement my future in any way, shape or form. I still have to figure out these things:
1. When do I start? Where do I live? How much debt will I be in?
2. Externship?
3. How do I get a bachelors?
4. After, where do I work? Where do I live?
5. Marriage? Babies? etc, etc
...well that last one I have less control over considering that involves someone else's agency.
Well, at the very least I've got the next 1.5 - 2 years sort of figured out. Definitely the next 8 months!!!
14 January 2010
"Breaking Up Is Hard Enough"
OK, so we all know about my break up a week before I left Provo...blah blah blah, whatever...
That is NOT what this is about.
It's about the break up that happened about a week later... It was a lot easier to handle when I was leaving Provo. I was packing and cleaning and saying my goodbyes to all my friends I didn't even have time to think about what was happening. But then sometime between Christmas and New Years I realized something, I had broken up with Provo!
No joke, that is exactly what it feels like. We're done, we're over. I do not foresee any opportunity to get back together. Currently, nothing hurts more, and/or feels more right than the end of that 2.5 year long relationship. I think most of the hurt comes from not living within walking distance of 90% of my friends anymore. I miss that x 1 million.
But I am on to new adventures! This time next week I'll have made a ton of new friends. I can't wait!
{However, these new friends will not replace any of the friends I made in the time I lived in P-town. You can't replace people, or friendships. You just meet/make new ones.}
Sorry I'm really redundant. Nothing else is happening in my life right now. Hopefully, after Friday I'll have some kind of new adventure to report on! [Side note - why does everything (movies, books, tv shows, etc) seem to be about getting together/breaking up? Maybe it's 'cause that's all I notice...]
PS Google: "Breaking up is hard enough by 2gether" - You're welcome.
PPS If you have a couple of days you would like to kill with reading, find the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series. - You're welcome, again.
That is NOT what this is about.
It's about the break up that happened about a week later... It was a lot easier to handle when I was leaving Provo. I was packing and cleaning and saying my goodbyes to all my friends I didn't even have time to think about what was happening. But then sometime between Christmas and New Years I realized something, I had broken up with Provo!
No joke, that is exactly what it feels like. We're done, we're over. I do not foresee any opportunity to get back together. Currently, nothing hurts more, and/or feels more right than the end of that 2.5 year long relationship. I think most of the hurt comes from not living within walking distance of 90% of my friends anymore. I miss that x 1 million.
But I am on to new adventures! This time next week I'll have made a ton of new friends. I can't wait!
{However, these new friends will not replace any of the friends I made in the time I lived in P-town. You can't replace people, or friendships. You just meet/make new ones.}
Sorry I'm really redundant. Nothing else is happening in my life right now. Hopefully, after Friday I'll have some kind of new adventure to report on! [Side note - why does everything (movies, books, tv shows, etc) seem to be about getting together/breaking up? Maybe it's 'cause that's all I notice...]
PS Google: "Breaking up is hard enough by 2gether" - You're welcome.
PPS If you have a couple of days you would like to kill with reading, find the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series. - You're welcome, again.
08 January 2010
Decisions, decisions
So I've been thinking...if I'm soo willing to get myself into a ton of debt going to school in California (where I've lived my whole life) why not get myself into that much debt living some place NEW?
Like, why not live in Paris, or Sydney, or London, or ... Portland? All places I've wanted to at least visit my whole life, if not live.
Paris/Sydney/London (since they have the same pro's/con's):
living outside the country
shorter amount of time [about 6-8 month]
small amounts of world travel would happen based out of where ever I was
FAR, FAR away from any family
I don't think I get anything like an associates degree (but does that matter when compared to the benefit of learning outside the US?)
I'd have to figure out visa's and whether or not I could work etc
I could check the northwest off of places I wish to live (I've wanted to live in Washington/Oregon since I was six and we visited WA)
I'd be in the same country and could therefore work while going to school
only a few more hours away than when I was in Provo
Associates (and only 58 weeks)
Potentially less debt than California
Still a little far from my family
they only accept 16 people for each class (but I could always go to this school, which would be the same as CA but in Portland)
Sooo, my question for you is: what do you think?
Don't forget my ardent LOVE for California, or the security that would come with being in the same state as my family again. However, I would love to travel the world and live in random, wonderful places {something I forgot a lot in Provo, but have remembered since leaving}.
I'm young, unattached, and willing to take chances. I'm afraid living in California is the easy thing to do and increases my prospects of becoming less unattached ... or willing to take chances. I can always live in the Golden State when I'm old and married, right?
Like, why not live in Paris, or Sydney, or London, or ... Portland? All places I've wanted to at least visit my whole life, if not live.
Paris/Sydney/London (since they have the same pro's/con's):
living outside the country
shorter amount of time [about 6-8 month]
small amounts of world travel would happen based out of where ever I was
FAR, FAR away from any family
I don't think I get anything like an associates degree (but does that matter when compared to the benefit of learning outside the US?)
I'd have to figure out visa's and whether or not I could work etc
I could check the northwest off of places I wish to live (I've wanted to live in Washington/Oregon since I was six and we visited WA)
I'd be in the same country and could therefore work while going to school
only a few more hours away than when I was in Provo
Associates (and only 58 weeks)
Potentially less debt than California
Still a little far from my family
they only accept 16 people for each class (but I could always go to this school, which would be the same as CA but in Portland)
Sooo, my question for you is: what do you think?
Don't forget my ardent LOVE for California, or the security that would come with being in the same state as my family again. However, I would love to travel the world and live in random, wonderful places {something I forgot a lot in Provo, but have remembered since leaving}.
I'm young, unattached, and willing to take chances. I'm afraid living in California is the easy thing to do and increases my prospects of becoming less unattached ... or willing to take chances. I can always live in the Golden State when I'm old and married, right?
04 January 2010
I just don't know what to do with myself
So this song just popped into my head, and I thought I would share some of my thoughts on why it would do that...
First off, it's late, so my brain is in over analyzation mode! Yuck, I'd rather be sleeping...
Secondly, while it does in a tiny, tiny insignificant way apply to my relationship status, I think it applies to my life on a larger scale. I'm finding this whole not being in Provo thing a lot harder than I thought I would. I do not for one second wish things were any different, but at the same time it's tough to let go of something that has been a constant in your life for 2.5 years.
Thirdly, (this might be the hardest) I know that what I am doing is right for me. It is the best thing for me at this moment. I am more excited for my future than I have been in a long, long time. BUT, a teensy-weensy part of me [the part that likes to ruin my chances with the male gender and keep me from imposing myself on other people {normally, it's a much, much bigger part of me}] is asking what if this is the wrong thing? What if I'm making a huge mistake? PS I'm not making a huge mistake. And even if I were, life is an adventure and I'm sick of being mollycoddled by a University who wants to get me married ASAP.
Fourthly, I'm bored. And until this waiting stage ends, or I change my attitude about it, I'm going to be bored for another two weeks.
Florida in 17 more days!
01 January 2010
Deux Mille Dix
So after Miss Daphna's last post, I'm a little hesitant to post my New Year's Resolutions. But I'm gonna do it anyways because really I feel like they apply to this blog and they're less "resolution" and more long term goals.
Before I do that, a recap of 2009 (I love recaps)
I bid 2009 farewell and look forward to a new decade (this millennium's teens, and my twenties). I can only guess at what adventures abound in the coming year and those that follow.
PS I can't think of a better way to start anew then with my favorite song from one of my favorite musicals.
Before I do that, a recap of 2009 (I love recaps)
Bryson Taylor
snow = death to my phone
20 on the 20th
I finally was asked on a date by a boy!
Lucas = 3!!!
Kait graduated {I'm not there}. She turned 18 {i AM there}
pastry school = forrealsies ... then I talked to my dad
Me = same stadium as the Jonas Brothers <3
spontaneous trip home
my thumb + can of ravioli = 3 stitches (I'll get you chef boyardee!)
Education week (Family, work, moving)
wonderful roommates!
Disney College Program!!!!!!!
Halloween {Eve and Night}
Family History - I am doing it, my family history...
30 family names + temple with my ward = to awesome to describe
Joshua Lutes
Pastry School it is!
January 20th, 2010, hurry please...
Are you still there? OK, Good!
So.... My long term goals that I happen to be setting at the beginning of 2010 and wish to accomplish with-in a 12-month period {are ranked in order of how likely I think I will be able to accomplish it}
1. Don't get married. (and by this I mean do all the awesome things that I plan on doing this year and be really really happy by myself)
2. Go to pastry school
3. READ A LOT!!!
4. Read old testament [keep up with sunday school]
5. Be healthier (excercise, eat less junk, yada-yada-yada)
6. Learn a new language {probs spanish}
I bid 2009 farewell and look forward to a new decade (this millennium's teens, and my twenties). I can only guess at what adventures abound in the coming year and those that follow.
PS I can't think of a better way to start anew then with my favorite song from one of my favorite musicals.
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